Compare more than 5.100 rides!
in 150 amusement parks!Select your state to see all the rides in your state! Fill in your height and you can see which park has the most rides you can enjoy!
Amsuement Parks is the first and only website in the world that can filter amusement parks based on the users ride preferences. Select a state, select your height and see instantly which amusementparks are suitable for you to have a great day. The comparator is especially build for family’s with kids that are always on the border of being allowed or disallows in that awesome roller coaster. Amusement Parks is build to fix that specific problem.
But we know when selecting a amusement park that are more factors to consider. So we have also build the possibilty to check all the ticket prices of the amusment parks. Just select your traveling party and with how many cars you are going and there it is, alle the prices of the parks sorted by the cheapest park on top. Traveling distance is also a factor, so we have decided that it would be usefull if you can see all nearby amusement parks. Select a state or just fill in your adress and you will be able to see all parks in that particular state!